The monthly traffic feature, which is at times also referred to as bandwidth or data transfer, indicates the full volume of information that is uploaded to your shared web hosting account and downloaded from it monthly. Your website traffic is produced generally by web site visits - when somebody loads your web site, the pages they see are downloaded from your website hosting server to their computer or mobile device and they are displayed by the web browser. What counts for the website traffic produced is the size of these web pages, hence the more website visitors you have for a given period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. Along with the website visits, file uploads are also counted towards the total monthly transfer this means that any time you upload website content or some other files by using a file manager or an FTP software, they'll also produce some traffic. The counter resets on the first day of each month and it is not related to the date you've subscribed and the date you've renewed your hosting plan.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Web Hosting
The monthly web site traffic allowance for all of our shared web hosting packages is sufficient for any website. If you have a blog, a discussion board or E-commerce portal, what amount of information will be transferred to and from your account or reaching some low quota cap will not be a reason for your web sites to be inaccessible. Furthermore, we generate detailed web site traffic statistics, therefore you'll be allowed to observe what amount of data is being downloaded at all times. The hourly, daily and monthly results will give you an idea how the sites are performing, what type of files produce the most site traffic and much more helpful information that can help you handle the sites plus your account as a whole. The statistics can be reached with just a couple of mouse-clicks from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
The dedicated web hosting plans that we offer include great website traffic allowances which are sufficient for any type of web site, even a video streaming portal or a popular social media. Terabytes of traffic will be available every month and the administration panel that comes with each dedicated server will give you information what amount of data has been transferred already and what amount is available for the present month. To avoid service disruptions, we will inform you if you reach 90% of the quota and you are able to either decrease the traffic made by your websites by optimizing their content, or you can increase the allowance for your account. It is highly unlikely that you will ever need such an upgrade, however we chose to leave this alternative open. The stats in that panel contain the total website traffic, compared to the info from your hosting Control Panel where you can view just the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads and updates.