Multiple Data Centers

Offer the best website loading speeds for all your visitors

The datacenter location reflects your web site’s load speed, so, by choosing a datacenter that’s near to your potential clients, you’ll ensure the best Internet browsing experience for them. We provide you with a choice of datacenter facilities on several continents – Steadfast in Chicago, Illinois, USA; Pulsant in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a stable and protected shared web hosting environment with a 24/7/365 server monitoring service and a 99.9% uptime warranty.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

The Site Accelerators (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) integrated into the web hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, could significantly increase the speed of your dynamic websites.

They are meant to cache the data from your web sites and hence reduce the number of requests to the database server or the application programming interface. This will help your web sites load way faster than ever before and will enable you to allure more pleased site visitors, which equals minimized bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

Scripting Support

All our cloud hosting packages offer full scripting support

Our Linux–driven hosting servers offer full scripting support. You are able to run all kinds of Python or PHP web apps and also pick from among more than 3400 Perl modules. The shared web hosting packs also offer MySQL and PostgreSQL support and feature the InnoDB database engine. SSI, Zend Optimizer, ImageMagick and GD Library are also supported on our hosting servers.

Scripting Support

Data Backups

Ever lost your site content? Make use of our data backup service

When posted on the web, your website content is generally a potential subject to cyber–thieves assaults. It might be affected even by your very own personal unintentional actions. Choose us and, there is nothing to worry about, given that we maintain a backup of your website content, which can recovered at any moment. Moreover, you may create manual backups of your whole web site with a single click of the mouse at the File Manager, which is integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel. Our system will save all files and will merge them into an archive file, which will be stored in your hosting account.

Data Backups

Domain Manager

Multi–domain management done properly

With the SynNetHost Web Hosting Control Panel, you are no longer limited to host just 1 domain. You can control one or one hundred domain names in an indentical easy and simple intuitive way. We’ve also included a few other useful tools, which will allow you to park, redirect and Whois Privacy Protect your domain names as well as to set custom DNS entries. Having each one of these domain name management options in a single place will save you a lot of time and energy.

Domain Manager

Solid–State Drives

Solid–state–drive–powered cloud hosting machines

All our shared web hosting servers have solid–state disks instead of ordinary disk drives. Solid–state disks offer much faster read ’n’ write speeds, which suggests that your website will load considerably quicker. Absolutely no extra site modifications are required.

Thanks to the excellent Internet connectivity possibilities provided by all our cloud hosting Datacenter Facilities, your website will start working much faster once you turn to us.

Solid–State Drives

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At SynNetHost, we are proud of employing a real shared web hosting platform – every single service is run on an autonomous physical server, which means that all your websites will invariably load quickly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud hosting system was developed entirely by us with a focus on scalability and balance, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent server uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent network uptime in the United States of America, in Europe and in Australia

Keeping your websites online 24/7 is our principal responsibility. We’ve developed our very own shared web hosting system whereby the server load is being distributed evenly between a few physical servers to guarantee that all your sites will always be online even if a given physical server is overloaded. Our 99.9% server uptime warranty is valid for all data centers that we work with – in America, in Europe and in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

  • Service guarantees

  • Sign up now. There aren’t any installation expenses and you can make the most of our 30–day reimbursement guarantee if not fully pleased with our platform.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a glance at the quotas and features provided by our web hosting bundles. You can start off with a cheaper plan and move up with just a click as your web presence grows.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We’re online for you in business hours to answer all requests in relation to SynNetHost’s cloud hosting platform.