Any time you purchase a brand new web hosting account, your payment is processed, the account is made and as automatic as the whole process seems, there are always little things that are executed manually. For your virtual or a dedicated server there're even more jobs to be done because these forms of hosting usually need a manual setup, software installation and configuration, testing the server environment so as to make sure that everything's working the way it should, etc. To pay for the cost for the time and efforts these tasks take, most companies collect a one-time installation fee to be paid by their customers in addition to the price for the shared web hosting. The charge in most cases is valid for every new web hosting account being acquired and it's very rarely listed on the company’s site, still it would appear on the checkout page.
Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting
If you buy a shared web hosting plan from our company, you won't ever need to pay any kind of setup costs. For that matter, we don't have other concealed charges of any type too. We respect each and every client and it's our principle that when you obtain any package through us, you shouldn't have to pay something more than the cost for the web hosting package. You will not discover any kind of obscured fees before or after your order, which shows you that we are a dependable and trustworthy provider. The price of every shared hosting package is identical everywhere on our web site - the main page, the order and payment pages. Since we also have instant account activation, you won't need to wait for hours or even days so that you can begin creating your web site.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
When you acquire a dedicated server from our company, we will configure the machine for free. The fee that you'll find and pay will be exactly the same on our web site, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement, plus the amount you will pay throughout the registration is the same as the one you will pay to renew the plan in the future. We will offer you a ready-to-use system, which is put together and tested, and which includes all the needed software in advance - OS, web server, MySQL, FTP, plus website hosting Control Panel if you have picked one through the signup, but all the aforementioned tasks are performed for free. We can even relocate your info at no extra cost if you obtain the dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have a standard shared hosting package from our company.